Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer Fun

Here are a bunch of photos of what we've been up to this summer.  School ended in June, I went on a girls' weekend to Hong Kong, and each day since then has been full of family and ministry.  We're blessed.


Zoe and Abby Grace hiking with friends

Lucy and Abby Grace

Love Olives

Our family--see my heart-shaped rock? 

Zoe and Rebekah

With BFFs Kristie Coia and Jen Rathmell

Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong

Science Fair at the end of the School Year
Zoe did Space

Rebekah did Electricity

Abby Grace did Bugs

Zoe won First Place in her Age Group

Abby Grace requires us to house a bug zoo in our home.  She is a bug fanatic!

This butterfly came from a caterpillar Abby Grace caught. 

Mark took all the girls to a Father-Daughter Ball--they were super spoiled and so enchanted with their Dad! 

In front of a traditional Okinawan home. 

Date night at home--take out sushi--our favorite. 

On a camping trip on nearby Izena Island.  Not a bad place for a farm, huh?  What a view!

Hannah is hilarious--and she knows it!

Beautiful  Izena sky. 

These signs are a new sight since the horrible tsunami in March. 

Walking through a huge underground cave with friends Kelly and Jossy. 

Piper is getting big!

Zoe turned 8!  We had her party at a pool. 

Rebekah turned 14!  Her friends came over for a slumber party.  Here they are picking mulberries in our tree in our front yard. 

Abby Grace was baptized on July 4th by Mark. 

Our family on July 4th.