Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Right to Life Marches

I've always wanted to walk in a Right to Life march.  They're usually in January so I looked up the date for the Colorado march, which will take place 3 days after we're gone.  Bummer!  If you live here in Colorado check out www.coloradorighttolife.org and participate in the rally.  I wish I could!

While browsing the CRL web-site I read countless articles I would love to pass on.  Here's one below that is chock full of surprising truths, I wish all my girlfriends knew.  The article is posted at www.coloradorighttolife.org/birthcontrol.

"Birth" Control Talking Points

Objection: "Personhood will ban common forms of birth control."
A Personhood amendment will not ban any true contraceptives that only prevent fertilization. And tragically, abortion is used as a common form of birth control. Regarding "contraceptives" that actually cause an abortion:
1. Lies: Women have been lied to by not telling them that some birth control actually kills their child.
2. Steroids
: The pill and Plan B are steroids that we protect football players from yet give to young girls.
3. Cancer
: A Nat'l Cancer Institute researcher reports the pill as a significant risk factor for breast cancer.

Lies Exposed by Personhood
: At conception (fertilization), the embryo is either a boy or a girl, having received either the father's X or Y chromosome. To hide the truth from, that is, to lie to, millions of women, the definition of the word "conception" was changed by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the abortion and pharmaceutical industries, from its traditional meaning of fertilization, whereby a boy or girl is conceived, to now mean implantation. (See nih.govALLHLI & USCCB. This same ACOG falsely reported blatant misinformation to Colorado's official, though biased, 2010 Blue Book voter guide that, "Amendment 62 may also limit… treatment for miscarriages.") By redefining an established term, the abortion and pharmaceutical industries could mislead women by selling them "contraceptives" that in fact do not only prevent "conception" but were also designed to kill the tiniest children by preventing implantation so they cannot continue to grow in their mother's wombs. Such "contraceptives" are not contraceptive, but are mechanical (IUD) or chemical (pills) abortifacient "birth control." So when the abortion industry says that personhood would outlaw contraceptives, they’re either lying now, or they were lying then, for they’ve spent decades telling women that such chemicals did not kill a living embryo. Recognizing personhood has no effect on true contraceptives that only prevent fertilization, including spermicide, natural family planning, and condoms. However, personhood would ban surgical abortion, more than 95% of which is for birth control, and it would prohibit any mechanical or chemical abortifacient that kills the tiniest boys and girls. Personhood and Amendment 62 will end the lies that have been so brazen that they include redefining words to mislead women into unknowingly aborting their tiniest children.

Steroids Exposed by Personhood
: Personhood is exposing a generation of lies and hidden truths. The abortion and pharmaceutical industries have kept it quiet that "birth" control pill and the Plan B morning after pill are actually steroids. Professor Joel Brind, Ph.D. endocrinologist at New York City's Baruch College, warns that "the pill," including all its chemical abortifacient variants like the patch, the ring, Depo-Provera and Norplant, are steroids that we protect men from, but that we recklessly give to women. "We all agree with existing bans on the use of synthetic, anabolic, carcinogenic steroid drugs that have gotten major athletes into trouble. These chemical abortifacients are exactly the same type of steroid drugs, just the female instead of the male versions, for example, they are anabolic for breasts rather than for muscles. It's about time we stopped handing them out like candy to women, and even to our teenage girls. And yes, they do cause breast cancer and the research widely acknowledges that."
Cancer Risk Exposed by Personhood: Louise A. Brinton, a researcher with the National Cancer Institute, reports a 320% increase in risk for women taking the birth control pill to develop TNBC, Triple Negative Breast Cancer, a particularly aggressive and treatment-resistant cancer. (See BrindBrinton, et al.ABC, & CRTL.) Nurse practitioner and CRTL spokeswoman Lolita Hanks said, "Louise Brinton is the senior researcher who was largely responsible for getting the government-funded NCI to deny the abortion-breast cancer link, but she now co-authored a TNBC study describing significant risk factors including induced abortion." Dr. Brind adds that birth control pills, "may be mainly responsible for a particularly noxious and lethal form of breast cancer called 'triple negative breast cancer,' that preferentially strikes young, especially African-American, women." Amendment 62 co-sponsor and Colorado Right To Life vice president Leslie Hanks says, "We protect adult football players from the dangers of steroids, but we recklessly let teenage girls pop steroids like candy; society must stop ignoring the terrible risks to the health and well-being of women and young girls."

1 comment:

  1. Just checking out the blog to see how the Oshman family is. I am SO glad to see this information here , these issues have burdened my heart for many years now.

    You (and your family) have been and will remain in our prayers. I know that you will return soon...safe travels!
